theatre — art — landscape

Rendering depicting frames location and superimposed landscape

Rendering of proposed frame

Rendering of proposed frame

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Double Exposure

Individual Artist Installation Proposal

Eden Prairie Rotating Art Series

July 2020

Double-Exposure is a proposal for a framed, translucent landscape composition that uses shapes from the landscape of the Eden Prairie Purgatory Creek Park to overlay both the creek and the skyline of a nearby road and commercial development. From one side the viewer would see the landscape composition superimposed on the natural landscape. From the other side, they would see that same composition superimposed on the built landscape. It is framing a ‘dual landscape’; similar to double exposure photography, and is meant to be viewed from either side.

Double-Exposure puts forward three key questions for the audience to consider as they view the natural and build landscape through both sides of the installation: How do we live in between the natural and developed world? How do we take ownership and frame ourselves around “our” landscape? Which environments do we value and why?